Frank Spring

Frank Spring



From Frank’s good friend, Kevin

Frank’s painting, “Damien,” holds a special place in my heart as I was involved in its creation. Damien, even before the addition of color, exudes vivid, piercing, and vulnerable qualities. Discussing the painting’s details, such as brush strokes, texture, and the directness in Damien’s eyes, doesn’t fully convey the discovery that Frank experienced during its creation.

Frank regularly presented updates to Damien, expressing his ongoing discoveries. The painting’s intensity is grounded, with Damien seemingly having a halo, suggesting saintleiness or holiness. However, it feels more like a spotlight on the profound emotions of the subject. The unconventional color choice – earthy greens, emeralds and blues – brings a temporal implication, drawing viewers closer to the essence of the painting. 

While Damien’s plight isn’t explicitly negative, it resonates as intense, deep, raw, and universally relatable. Frank’s real-time engagement with his creations and the subsequent discovery of their meaning in post-production showcase his intellectual prowess as a painter.

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