Pony Pintado finds its roots in Frank’s New York street photography series, aptly named “Painted Pony.” The original image captured the essence of torn posted bills, layered to form a distinct silhouette of a pony. Frank, known for his innovative approach, would take this digital image and leverage iPhone camera filters to elevate its visual impact, igniting a realm of creative contemplation before translating it into a vibrant painting.
Frank’s nomenclature for Pony Pintado is imbued with historical depth and echoes his extensive global travels drawing inspiration from “The Pintados,” a community of pre-Hispanic Filipinos, he pays homage to their indigenous practice of adorning their bodies with tattoos to symbolize achievements, wealth, and status. In his painting, Frank seamlessly integrates patterns and lettering reminiscent of the ancient tattooing customs of the Pintados, intertwining them with the chaotic tapestry of information found on the bustling streets of New York.
The bold use of colors in Frank’s distinctive style receives an added dimension through the application of reflective additive metallic silver. This element not only enhances the overall vibrancy but also imparts depth and a dynamic quality to the spiral, seemingly emanating from an earthly representation. At the heart of Pony Pintado, the central figure, clutching a branch and depicted panting with its tongue lolling out, invites contemplation. Does Frank’s portrayal symbolize a profound journey across time, traversing from the ancient past to our contemporary present?
In prompting the viewer to reflect on their own life journey, Frank encourages contemplation of the outcomes arising from the challenges faced. Does the colorful present captured in Pony Pintado serve as a testament to the resilience and vibrancy that emerges from navigating the intricate path of life? The painting invites each observer to delve into their individual narrative, considering the vibrant tapestry that unfolds from the complexities of their own unique and arduous journey.