The Grim Reaper, an enduring subject, finds a particularly vibrant and enchanting portrayal in the imagery synonymous with Mexico’s annual Dia de Los Muertos celebrations. These timeless themes of life and eternity, as illustrated in The Parrot King, stretch back millennia, providing Frank with both a challenge and an opportunity for entertaining reinterpretation. In this instance, he breathes new life into these iconic concepts by personifying life through a resplendent parrot, boldly showcasing its ability to soar with its fulsome plumage in splendid display. This vivid imagery unfolds in stark contrast to the ever-reminding, ever-mocking passenger – a figure with flowing rainbow hair that seemingly relishes the journey from now to there!
In the final months of Frank’s life, those who visited were struck by his astounding grace and acceptance. Despite his profound desire for more time, evident in his wish to continue placing brush to canvas, he approached each day with a spirit that mirrored the essence of Dia de Los Muertos acknowledging life transience while celebrating the vibrant moments alive.